Sadly, media coverage of suicide may weaken suicide prevention efforts. Recently, it seems that we are losing an increasing number of key public figures and […]
Winter Blues?
Do you ever notice that your mood changes with the weather? Many people say that the weather can either bring them down or pick up […]
Health Benefits of Fish Oil
Studies have shown that omega-3 essential fatty acids as found in fish oil have many health benefits. Fish oil has been shown to help improve […]
Is Diet Related to Depression?
Many studies have shown that our diet affects physical health such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. However, up until recently, researchers haven’t explored the effects […]
Beyond DNA, Nature and Nurture
A recent article in Time magazine entitled, “Why Your DNA isn’t Your Destiny,” (,8599,1951968,00.html ) profiles a new science called epigenetics. As a therapist, I […]
The Health Benefits of Yoga
“Relax your body and mind and let your Spirit soar high.” – Remez Sasson Yoga is a way to relax both your mind and body […]
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is considered a “mood disorder.” Whereas major depressive disorder is considered as “uni-polar” (meaning just one pole or mood of depression), “bi-polar” (meaning […]
Mental Health Awareness & Bipolar Disorder
In my last blog, I talked about the stigma of mental health conditions. Sometimes stigma about psychiatric conditions can keep people from seeking help and […]
Mental Illness Awareness Week
The first week of October marked the 19th annual mental illness awareness week. Awareness and education is imperative in decreasing the stigma surrounding mental health […]
New Report on Mental Disorders in Young Adults
A new study that appears in the most recent issue of Archives of General Psychiatry covers the prevalence rates of mental disorders in young adults. […]