Please call 512-891-1500 or email us at to inquire about our psychology presentations or to make arrangements for one. We can tailor our psychology presentations to the needs of the audience, which could be:
- Parent groups
- School staff/administrators/teachers
- Faith communities
- Organizations
- Businesses
- Kids & teens
- Tech Generation: Raising Balanced Kids in a Hyper-Connected World
- Raising Successful Children While Enjoying the Ride
- The Perfect Trap: Managing the Drive for Perfection
- What Video Games Are Doing to (and for!) Your Kids
- The Social/Emotional Impact of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Learning Disabilities on Children
- Teaching Children & Teens Self-Compassion (a mindfulness-based approach).
- The Identification and Treatment of Dyslexia (the latest research findings).
- Understanding and Using Psychological Reports.
- Recognizing Students At-Risk for Suicide & Prevention Strategies
- Working with Twice-Exceptional Students (gifted students who also have a disability such as ADHD, dyslexia)
- Effective Coping Strategies for Children & Adolescents
- Positive Approaches to Parenting
- Easing the Cultural Transition for New Residents (addressing culture shock)
- Encouraging Academic Motivation in Students
- Fostering the Development of a Growth Mindset in Children (critical to successful educational outcomes)
- What Works in Therapy & How to Improve our Clinical Effectiveness as Counselors/Therapists
- Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Pathways to Happiness & Well-Being
- The Transformative Power of Mindfulness
- Secrets to Developing and Maintaining Social Relationships
- What Parents and Kids Can Do About Cyberbullying
Please call 512-891-1500 or email us at if you would like to make an arrangement for a psychology presentation or if you have any other questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!