We’ve all seen movies or read books about technology becoming evil or dangerous, right? The first movie that comes to my mind is James Whale’s Frankenstein. […]
Weight Loss Hacks – Easy Ways to Eat Healthier
Although we might have already past the New Year’s resolution window, most of us are always on the lookout for ways to either lose weight […]
Develop a Positive Mood in the Morning
You’re sprinting down a shadowy corridor of the abandoned hospital. When you reach a door, you grasp the knob, twisting it without pausing as you […]
A Sure Way to Reduce Suffering in Life
Although I can’t claim that I’m Buddhist, I’m really drawn to Buddhist psychology, and I’ve read a number of books by the Dalai Lama. I […]
Love is Alive
I was recently listening to an audiobook lecture by noted Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, for which I’ll post a full review & recommendation shortly. […]