Think back to your day. What portion of it did you spend on the Internet? Between social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr […]
Video Blog: Texting and Driving – Why do people still do it?
In this video blog, I explore some of the psychological reasons why many people still text & drive – despite the fact that it is […]
The Technique to Studying Efficiently
About the Author, Dylan McAndrew:A lot of us at the ApaCenter work with teens. Oftentimes, adults are trying to tell teens what they should and […]
Teens & "Sexting"
I discussed teens & cell phones (particularly texting addiction) in my previous post. A new problem that has arisen in recent years is teens engaging […]
Can Texting Be Damaging for Teens?
I was recently interviewed by Fox News here in Austin about whether excessive texting can be damaging for teens. Here is a link to that […]