I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving full of gratitude and savoring! This week, I am following up to my last post about how […]
Steps for an Effective Time-Out
Last week, we talked about how to effectively prepare for using time-out by working on hitting the “magic ratio” in your interactions with your child, […]
Using the “Magic Ratio” for Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting and Relationships For this blog, I want to cover a positive parenting approach that is a much more effective alternative to corporal punishment. In […]
Can Praise Be Harmful to Children?
It seems like it is common wisdom to praise our kids for things like their athletic skills, musical ability, intelligence, creativity, talent, and so on. […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 3
I call this technique the “principle of opposites.” It’s simple but effective. What is the most annoying behavior of your child? Does he frequently interrupt […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 2
When praising children, another helpful approach is to be specific about the praise. Often we assume that, when we say “good job,” little Billy knows […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 1
It seems like it is common wisdom to praise our kids for things like their athletic skills, musical ability, intelligence, creativity, talent, etc. We want […]