We’ve all seen and heard the ads – brain training games will make you smarter! Partly fueled by the engagement, variety, and dynamic interaction that […]
Encouraging A Growth Mindset: A Presentation by Dr. Vickie Schafer
Recent research by Dr. Carol Dweck has found the importance of encouraging a growth mindset in our children. Children who learn that success comes from […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 3
I call this technique the “principle of opposites.” It’s simple but effective. What is the most annoying behavior of your child? Does he frequently interrupt […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 2
When praising children, another helpful approach is to be specific about the praise. Often we assume that, when we say “good job,” little Billy knows […]
Use of Praise with Children – Part 1
It seems like it is common wisdom to praise our kids for things like their athletic skills, musical ability, intelligence, creativity, talent, etc. We want […]