April 23, 2013

Does Video Game Violence Cause Children and Adolescents to Become Violent? Video Blog Part 5

Hey Gang! I’m getting close to wrapping up this series on the topic, “Does Video Game Violence Cause Children and Adolescents to Become Violent?” In this segment, I cover the findings and limitations of the research on the effects of video game violence. People, including me, can toss their opinions about but what does the research say about this controversial topic? I’ve scoured the literature and did my best to summarize the findings. As new research is published over time, this conversation will evolve for certain. Since the video games are evolving so rapidly themselves, this is definitely a moving target. I hope you find this segment informative and engaging. Be sure to come back shortly for the next installment as I wrap things up and give advice on what we can do as parents to mitigate the potential effects of gaming violence on kids and teens.

Filed under Cyberpsychology - Technology and You, Happiness & Well-Being, Negative Moods & Emotions, Parenting